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Social Media Marketing & Management puts your online and off-line marketing in our hands. We build your marketing system, programs and campaigns AND manage them while you run your business. We remove the hassle from something that is a must for every business in today’s competitive environment.

CommonSense Strategies Group Specialized Services Include:

  • Content Creation

  • Mobile Marketing

  • eMail & Text Message Marketing

  • Facebook/Instagram - Marketing & Management

  • Traditional Media (Newspapers/TV/Radio/Direct Mail) Marketing

  • EDDM (Every Day Direct Mail)

  • Website creation & Management

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Simply put, Social Media Management is the proven method of creating, generating, scheduling, analyzing and engaging with content posted on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and LinkedIn and others. All Small Businesses should use Social Media Marketing (SMM) as a way to reach potential and new customers, while engaging existing ones. The aim of Social Media Marketing is to engage customers/clients and to reach them “where they are.” This enable Small Businesses to better serve their customers/clients since they know what their needs are.


COMMONSENSE STRATEGIES GROUP is a DIGITAL MARKETING & ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY that utilizes Social Media Marketing and Management. We supervise social media activity, from responding to customer comments to developing a strategy on how to achieve long-term marketing aims by distributing original content. We take set up and manage Social Media platforms – so you run your business while we do the marketing.

Social Media is a critical and crucial cog in our business landscape. Over 3.2 billion people now use Social Media platforms on a daily basis.  So, Social Media is here to stay. Using an agency can aid you in running a social media campaign and simultaneously reaching a vast audience of potential new customers.

With COMMONSENSE STRATEGIES GROUP as your Digital Marketing Agency we will:

  • Manage multiple accounts across various platforms

  • Analyze social engagement using Artificial Intelligence tools

  • Schedule posts in advance

  • Monitor comments and respond as needed or necessary

  • Receive comprehensive reports of the analytics

  • Collaborate with you as a Small Business owner on the kind of content to post

The ultimate goal of hiring you own DIGITAL & AI MARKETING AGENCY is to reduce time and improve engagement.

CommonSense Strategies Group – A Full Service Digital & Artificial Intelligence Marketing Agency

At COMMONSENSE STRATEGIES GROUP we design, implement and manage entire marketing portfolios, from Website Design and Development, Search Engine Marketing and Local SEO, Social Media Marketing, to Email & Text Message Marketing and more. We also negotiate and place print, television and radio buys for our clients. At CSG we increase brand awareness, drive sales and deliver results. We are one of Brooklyn’s Premier Marketing Agencies.  We look forward to working with you.

“Connecting Small Businesses to customers and clients”

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